Fallout 76 Two Major Patches Announced by Bethesda
Fallout 76 will be getting two huge patches in the coming weeks, according to Bethesda’s post on Reddit. The first one will be addressing the issues with getting stuck in Power Armor, stash size, and boss loot. The second one will add, among other things, push-to-talk and a field-of-view setting to PC, as well as a respec option, and fix the problem with your camp disappearing on login if somebody else is currently occupying that space, and more.

After a while of radio silence, Bethesda has finally addressed the very negative consumer response to Fallout 76. In a post on Reddit, they’ve apologized for keeping quiet, saying that they’ve been gathering feedback, and that’s why there haven’t been any updates. The post introduction, among other things, says: “We didn’t want you to think the silence meant nothing was happening. We’re sorry and understand this was not the right approach, and we’ll work to make a better bridge between you and the dev team at BGS.”
Now, I doubt that this alone would be enough to diminish the ire that some players rightfully garner towards the game and Bethesda in general. Well, you’ll be happy to know that the post also details two big incoming patches. The first one will come on December 4th. It should fix some of the more egregious problems that Fallout 76 has. For example, it’ll fix the stuck-in-Power-Armor glitch that has been plaguing people. Also, it’s going to increase the stash limit to 600, with bigger increases down the road. Also promised are better boss loot, addressing the issue where people respawn in Vault 76, and adjustment to Cryolator effects.
The second patch, slated for December 11th, will further work on the numerous issues. This one will add a bunch of new stuff to PC, including, thank god, push-to-talk and a field of view setting. Also, you can look forward to SPECIAL Respec: “After level 50, you’ll be able to choose between a new Perk Card, or moving a SPECIAL point you had previously allocated.” On top of that, it will fix the problem with the CAMP disappearing on login if somebody built over it, and also a Bulldozer feature to remove rocks and trees for easier CAMP placement. Of course, this better be just the start, because god knows these are just some of the major problems in Fallout 76.