Fallout 76 How to Get Lockpicking Perk - Picklock Card
Lockpicking perk in FO76 is one of many perks you can unlock in the game. The Picklock perk card, as it’s called, allows you to pick locks more easily. Needless to say, it’s a very handy perk card to unlock, and you should get it as soon as possible. The question that remains is: how to get the picklock perk card, and when does it unlock. Well, our Fallout 76 How to Get Lockpicking Perk – Picklock Card guide aims to show you how to unlock the picklock card in the game, when it becomes available, etc.

How to Get Picklock Lockpicking Perk in FO76?
To get the lockpicking perk in Fallout 76, you’re first gonna have to level up far enough to unlock the Picklock perk card. This perk card becomes available to you once your character reaches Level 5. You’ll probably reach Level 5 in a couple of hours, depending on how you play the game. Obviously, Fallout 76 allows you a lot of freedom in how you play, so your mileage may vary. Incidentally, Level 5 is also when PvP combat becomes available. For more on that, check out our FO76 Disable Friendly Fire – Pacifist Mode and PvP guide.
Once you reach Level 5, and the game gives you the opportunity to select a perk, go into the Perception group. From there, leaf through the available perk cards until you reach the one called Picklock. The text reads: “Gain +1 lockpicking skill, and the lockpicking ‘sweet spot’ is 10% larger.” The sweet spot, of course, being that place where the bobby pin is not shaking. This is just the base level of the perk; there are two more that you can upgrade it to, Master and Expert. By the way, no matter what perk cards you have, you’re still going to need bobby pins to pick a lock.
In case the game is giving you trouble with something else, please feel free to thumb through our other Fallout 76 guides. We’ve got Raider Power Armor Locations, Wanted – How to Get & Remove Bounty, and Disable Friendly Fire – Pacifist Mode and PvP.