Kingdom Come Deliverance From the Ashes DLC Coming July 5th
From the Ashes, the first paid DLC for Kingdom Come Deliverance, is coming out this week, on July 5th. It will be a town-building game; your job will be to build the village of Pribyslawitz from the ground up. There will be many different buildings that you can build, and you’ll be able to deal out justice as the bailiff of the village.

The first big chunk of paid DLC for Kingdom Come Deliverance is just around the corner. It will offer a significantly different gameplay experience to the base game. In From The Ashes, you will play as the bailiff of the village of Pribyslawitz, which you basically have to build and manage from the ground up. Yes, it’s basically a town-building simulation. A far cry from the extremely realistic RPG that Kingdom Come is. Still, when it comes to the history angle for those of you that are into that stuff, this will probably be pretty engaging.
As you’d expect from a town building game, there will be many different buildings that you’ll be able to build. This includes a brewery, a smokehouse, stables, a blacksmith’s forge, and so on and so forth. Many buildings will give you different bonuses. For example, stables give you access to better horses, you can get more merchants to buy stuff from, etc. Plus, according to the developers in the video below, you’ll be able to recruit and “remake” NPCs that you might have met in the game proper.
The From the Ashes DLC also offers a significant amount of player interaction with the settlement. You’ll be able to walk around and interact with the people living under your rule as bailiff. Also, you’ll have to dole out justice to your people. Depending on your rulings, different buildings might perform better or worse. And, as you can see in the video below, you can also talk to a beggar and offer him a job. And, of course, there will be a strong accent on historical accuracy. So, if this tickles your fancy you can head over to the From the Ashes DLC Steam page and follow future developments.