Search Between Stone Circle, Wooden Bridge & Red RV - Fortnite BR
Search between stone circle, wooden bridge & red RV is a new challenge in Fortnite BR. In order to complete it and get the battlepass rewards for the last week of season 3, you’ll have to find a certain location and grab the star that appears when you’re close enough. The challenge is labeled as hard. Truth be told, it’s definitely not easy – the landmarks mentioned in the clue are not that well known, so many players are probably going to struggle with it. We’ve written this guide to help all those in need, by showing where to search between stone circle, wooden bridge and red RV in Fortnite BR.

Stone circle, wooden bridge, red RV locations
The triangle you’ll need to search inside is between Tomato Town and Wailing Woods, in the northeast of the map. The wooden bridge is the one that connects the two cliffs east of Tomato Town. The stone circle is a bit south of it, and there’s a big tree inside it. The RV was a bit harder to find, as it’s not clearly visible from the air. It’s on the southern edge of the Wailing Woods.
The star is on the patch of dirt, just like we presumed it will be. We have reason to believe the star is going to appear on the patch of dirt on the cliff at the western edge of the forest. The one with the felled tree and a rock outcrop next to it. It’s the only notable location in the triangle, and it’s really close to the center.
And that’s it for season 3. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Now we just have to wait and see when the next season starts, and what will Epic have in store for us then.