Bloodborne Return to Yharnam Community Event Announced
The Bloodborne community is coming together for another Return to Yahrnam this month. It’s going to start on March 10th, and should end two weeks later, on March 24th. While it lasts, hunters are encouraged to create new characters and start afresh, while playing as much co-op and taking part in as many PvP battles as they can.

Bloodborne is coming to PS Plus as a free download this month, so there’ll likely be an influx of new players. And, by god, the game absolutely deserves it. And, as you’d expect, the Bloodborne community is pretty excited about this turn of events. To celebrate, they’ve decided to host the massive community event, Return to Yharnam. The event will start on Saturday, March 10th. You can find the complete details of the event on Reddit, but let’s go over the basics.
First off, like we’ve already mentioned, Return to Yharnam is going to start on March 10th. It will work more or less like Return to Lothric and other similar Souls events do. First off, everybody that wants to participate should make a brand new character, and just play through the game while engaging in “as much co-op along the way as possible.” While you’re at it, it’s recommended that you defeat at least two players in each area in PvP before you kill the boss and continue on your merry way. That way, Bell Maidens will spawn in areas where you wouldn’t normally find them, allowing you to play PvP in new areas.
Also, while playing, make sure to leave a message reading “you’re in the know, right?” at every lantern you come across, especially in Central Yharnam. And make sure to give a high rating to every other such message that you find. In general, though, you can play at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. The recommended end date of this Return to Yharnam is March 24th.