Fortnite BR Season 3 Now Live, Introduces Many New Features
Fortnite Season 3 has started, bringing a ton of new stuff to the game, including the Battle Royale mode. The new things include a ton of cosmetic items, new music, running at 60 FPS on all current consoles, and a whole lot more. Save the World is also getting a bunch of new stuff, including hoverboards.

Season 3 is now live in all facets and modes of Fortnite, but, let’s face it, the majority of you care only about the Battle Royale mode. So, let’s see what major new features have been added to Fortnite, including Battle Royale. If you want to see the full patch notes, head over to the Fortnite website. And, for more detailed info, check out our Dusty Depot Treasure Map Location – Weekly Challenge and Llama, Fox, Crab Locations – Weekly Challenge guides.
First off, the Season 3 battle pass. It’s now available in the game, and it features “new Outfits, Back Bling, Skydiving FX and more.” Basically, a ton of joy for all you cosmetic item lovers. Yes, there’s pickaxes, too. Additionally, Battle Royale will now run at 60 FPS on consoles; PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X included. The experience has been ‘hand-tuned for each console to provide an extra-smooth gaming experience while maintaining visual fidelity.” On top of that, the Hand Canon will now be available in both Save the World and Battle Royale. This should make things very interesting. Oh, and let’s not forget the hoverboard that has been added to Saving the World.
Of course, the Season 3 update for Fortnite also includes a ton of different fixes and improvements. One of the more elaborate ones is a whole new orchestral score for Save the World mode, and remixed music for Battle Royale Login, Launch, and Lobby sections.