Fortnite BR Llama, Fox, Crab Locations - Weekly Challenge
Llama, Fox and Crab are giant structures in Fortnite Battle Royale. They’re part of a weekly challenge, and you need to find all three to complete it. They’re visible from relatively far away, but you still have to know where to look. In order to help you complete the challenge, we’ve decided to write a guide with Fortnite Battle Royale llama, fox & crab locations.

Dusty Depot Treasure Map Location- Weekly Challenge
Where to find fox in Fortnite BR?
The fox statue is in the northeastern corner of the map, on the eastern edge of Wailing Woods. It’s not the most useful place to land, but life’s not always fair. The structure is made of brick, and you’ll have to squint in order to see a fox there, but it’s impossible to miss.
Where is the llama in Fortnite?
The llama is a giant sheet metal construction north of Junk Junction, in the northwestern corner of the map. A much better place to drop than the last one, that’s for sure.
Where to find crab in Fortnite Battle Royale?
The crab is a wooden structure in the southeastern corner of the map, south of Moisty Mire. Like the other two, it’s located on the edge of the map. It might not be the best location, equipment-wise, but there are chests and weapons in the structure itself, so it should allow you to arm yourself.
Once you’ve visited all three structures (make sure you climb them, to avoid any chance of them not registering as found), you’ll complete the challenge, which will bring you one step closer to that sweet, sweet 4000 XP reward waiting at the end of the road.