GW2 Hidden Achievements in Path of Fire Act 3
GW2: Path of Fire has hidden achievements in Act 3 of the Story Journal. These three achievements are needed for completing all 19. Collecting them all, and you’ll acquire 15 points and the ascended amulet – Jahnus’s Stained Pectoral (113 Power, 71 Precision, 71 Ferocity, 133 Condition Damage). Since the achievements are decently hidden, we’ve put together this guide on where to find hidden achievements in Act 3 of Path of Fire.

How to get Hidden Path of Fire Act 3 Achievements
There are three hidden achievements in Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Act 3 story journal. The first two are acquired during the story mission “To Kill a God”, and the third one is found in the last story mission, called “Small Victory (Epilogue)”.The Who Needs a Magic Sword hidden achievement is not so secret if you look at the boons bar at the start of fight immediately. This is a bit hard, since you tend to swing with your new weapon Sohothin right off at the start of the fight, which, in turn, locks the achievement. To receive the hidden achievement “Who Needs a Magic Sword” you’ll need to kill Balthazar without using Sohothin. Even if you use the first skill, without even hitting anyone, it will remove the achievement from the progress bar. So, at the start of the fight, use the swap action key, and make sure you don’t turn it on by accident.
This is done with the help of Aurene, who leaves a blue circle that you should stand in. This will give you a new action key above your active bars, called “Coordinated Attack”. Once used, it will perform a coordinated, well-timed attack with Aurene, and it will break through Balthazar’s defenses and stun him. This will save you from dying and eventually lead you to the achievement itself. Be sure to free Aurene from time to time, as Balthazar tends to stun her, when he goes to charge his Ultimate attack. There is enough time to do it, and you don’t need to rush it, but be aware of it. If you die from anything else but the Ultimate Attack, you’ll also get the achievement.