Gwent Custom Card Generator - Build Your Own!
Hey, ever wanted to build a custom card for Gwent? Well, now you can! A dedicated fan of the game has built a Custom Card Generator for Gwent. It goes into incredible detail, it’s a lot of fun to use, and it’s free! Keep in mind, however, that this is not official CD Projekt Red stuff, even though they gave the site a shout out on their social media. It’s just the hard work of someone who really loves the game, and deserves some love in return.

If you have some card ideas for Gwent (and I know you do), head straight to You can do anything you want, really. Want to make a serious effort and craft a card that you think is missing from the game? Go right ahead! Would you rather just goof off and make something silly? No problem!
The attention to detail is fantastic. First off, you can pick which faction you want your card in, or keep it neutral. The Nilfgaard faction is still unavailable, like in the game, but it’s there and waiting.
Next up, you can pick the card type: Bronze, Silver or Gold. You can also choose whether the card is going to be Elite or not.
The next step is determining which row you want your card to go on. It can be Melee, Ranged, Siege or Any row, and you can decide if it’s going to be loyal or disloyal.
After that, upload a picture for your card. Name the card and choose its strength. Finally, type in the special ability of the card, pick its rarity, and hit Submit.
If you’d rather just peruse through other people’s work, there’s the Gallery section. You can find a lot of very creative ideas, ranging from very serious and studious to hilarious and ridiculous. My favorite one is INPATIENT WANKER[sic], whose special ability is to play a random card from the opponent’s hand and end their turn.
I’ve been crafting ludicrous cards for about half an hour now, and it’s so much fun. Please, visit the site, and if you like it, perhaps you can hit that Donate button. We have no affiliation with the website, I just think it deserves some love. And, who knows, maybe your card ends up in the full game once it’s out!